Journalling reads:
About Leslie: Leslie likes nothing better than to live a quiet and simple life. She derives pleasure from her two lovely boys, her cats, her home and garden. She entertains us in the Granny thread with quirky stories of her daily activities, such as her icecream making hobby, and of the special little dishes in which she serves herself just a tiny portion each time, such as the life and times of her front porch garden with sagas of baby lemons and strawberries and more recently of her foray (with the help of her son Giancarlo) into the garden at large. I love her tales of her “blind” men, her cats’ antics, how she puts on a face for the Colesonline delivery. I love her *chortles* *sniggers* *snorts* and more. I know she is a great Mum, a dedicated declutterer, a fantastic blog keeper. I know she loves Italy, her laptop, books, ploppers, DVDs of her favourite TV series. Leslie has been a special cyber friend to me and I have had the good fortune of having met her in real life.. a very special pleasure!
This is a delightful post Leslie! Kudos to you!
And now to send more your way! I was so thrilled to come home from school today to find your delightful message on my blog! O wow! I'm so glad my haikus help your class!
I'm now going over to your Pyewackets blog to say thank you too!
I've had a thought! I am a high school teacher, but my school has primary classes too! Would you be interested in linking your students with some of our primary students in Victoria? Sharing haikus??? Maybe have a blog post called the Haiku Connection? Students??? I have a blog for our school called Teen Waves www.teenwaves.blogspot.com It's still in the early stages. Teenagers create their own blogs and link! (Their blogs are in the sidebar!)
Just a few thoughts! What do you think?
Hi Leslie, this is a very beautiful and such a cool thing for your special friend to do for you. What a great creative idea.
Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful weekend.
Wait, wait - Granny thread? Quirky stories? I can tell this is another delight beyond reach of the broadband-deprived. Perhaps one day, in my lifetime . . .
Very nice present, Leslie!
Oh wow, that is wonderful!! Such a thoughtful and caring thing for your friend to do. And it is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us!
I love this idea. What a nice friend you have.
I have just found this!!! I know you told me you had posted it here but I must have missed visiting here since then! How lovely to see it here and what nice things your blogger friends have said. In fact there is quite a bit of new stuff since my last visit and I am enjoying my viewing and reading experience:)
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