My mother Marcelle and I went to the University of New England and got Batchelor of Education degrees together. I then got a Graduate Diploma in Primary Education and she did a Graduate Diploma in Religious Education.

This is my latest PhotoHunt entry.
Graduation hats - very cool! And how wonderful that your mom and you got degrees together. Happy weekend.
Oh my goodness, I did a social science degree from there and my MBA externally. My brother and two sisters also went to the same uni. I was born in Tamworth just an hour from Armidale. Its a small world Leslie. My mum also went to teachers college there (it is now called soemthing else) and then did a degree later in life at the ANU. How wonderful graduating together. Great memory!! I really like the photo and design and the words too!
What a wonderful shot Leslie, to graduate with your mother. No mortar boards for us on graduation sadly....
I remember those hats. I could never get them to fit right! It's cool that you & your mom graduated together.
That hat is really one you can be proud of. Way to go! happy weekend!
Those are some hats that would make anyone proud. Nice one there Leslie. :)
Hi Leslie, great theme photo selection. I also think it's cool that you and your mom got degrees together. Love your design!
Have a great weekend!
Oh that is an excellent hat to wear you can have a bright future. happy weekend. TC
Mother and daughter graduating together - how cool! :)
Congrats to both of you. What a precious moment is that in your life and the great one is can share moment together with your mum.
Too bad I'm not have a chance to wear that precious hat.
Have a great weekend to you and your family.
Mine here.
Mortar boards, they qualify as hats and what a wonderful occasion for you both.
Happy weekend Leslie.
What great memories those must be. Wonderful choice for the theme. :)
a very nice reminder of many years of sweat and burning eyebrows to earn an education degree! Very lovely interpretation!
I raise my hat to you and your mother, quite an achievement.
wow parent n sibling studying together. Tt is unusual fr my side of the world!
Was supposed to post graduation pics. Anyway, kudos to your achievement and your mom too. :)
im sure both u and your mommy are excited and proud to put on da 'hats' ;)
have a great weekend ;)
What a great photo and what a great experience getting your degree with your mother. Cool!
Stop by and see my photo hunt if you have time.
JyLnC - Hats
what an amazing story! such a great tandem of fellow educators =] i'm sure those graduation caps you wore (and tossed after?) are arguably more valuable than any tiara =]
I love this contribution to this week's PhotoHunt theme! That had to be a special experience with your mother. And congratulations to her for going back to school and getting her degree. I can relate because I finally got my bachelor's degree at the age of 44 from Purdue University. Great image.
By the way, over at my blog I'm starting a new photo-meme for Sundays based on my Sunday Scenery posts. The details can be found on the Sunday Scenery Photo Meme page on my blog. I hope you'll consider joining the fun.
classical and the hat of wisdom
A mortar board!!! Now THAT is hat of distinction.
I'm not a hat person, but I found 'hats' around our home that will work for the hunt. Come on over if you can. I would love to have your company.
g'day, and it is good to be back in the hunt....
What a great shot and so wonderful that you and your mother got your degrees together.
That is so lovely pictures and scapping, keep it up and check out also mine! Enjoy your weekend TC :)
Wow, what a great photo. And such an amazing day for the both of you.
Thanks for stopping by and for your words of encouragement.
That's so cool! mother and daughter studying together!
Ah! The hat of a great accomplishment! :) Nice one.
I did Photo Hunters today, too! Hope you get a chance to visit.
Wow ! that's not a hat but a crown in some way, lol !
No hat feels better to put on your head than that kind! Great job to you and your Mom.
How fantastic that you and your mother got degrees together! A hat of achievement of which to be proud.
Oh look at that! I would have to dig and find a scanner to get one of those photos up... A great one!
How absolutely great to be able to do this with your mother. Well done both of you!
Great idea for the theme this week. Very cool that you graduated with your mom.
How COOL is that! That must have been the BEST graduation EVER! You goooooo girls!
this is the hat we all aspired to wear. great entry.
So totally fantastic to be able to graduate with your mother!
Do you think I can graduate with my SS? :)
How cool that you and your mom graduated together! It must have been an awesome experience and a very special graduation day.
What a wonderful post and picture!
Lovely to see the photo of you and Marcelle graduating together. It must have been quite an experience.
How cool that you did it together! Congratulations to you both! What fun!
Cute idea for hats! Congratulations.
The kind of hats all parents will want their kids to wear!! :P
Lovely for the theme..so sorry I'm so late with my comment :(
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